Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Installing zend framework 2 in ubuntu

There are a lot of resources available on Zend framework, but almost all of them are focused for experienced developers. I am writing this article so that a beginner can install the new Zend Framework 2 and start experimenting on it. The following are the steps that will let you achieve this:
Step 1: Create a directory under your web root. Lets say the folder name is "MyZendProject".
Step 2: Open Terminal and select the newly created directory(eg: cd /var/www/MyZendProject).
Step 3: Now type the following command in terminal
git clone git:// and press enter.
This will install the Zend frameworks skeleton application in your computer. If git is not present, then you can simply install git by typing the following command in terminal
sudo apt-get install git and press enter.

Step 4:Once the skeleton application is downloaded in your folder you will find the composer.phar php file inside ZendSkeletonApplication folder. Just copy all the files inside this newly created folder to your folder. i.e from MyZendProject/ZendSkeletonApplication toMyZendProject. Our next job is to run the composer.phar file.

Step 5:In terminal type php composer.phar self-update and press enter.
Step 6: In terminal type php composer.pharinstall and press enter.
That's it. it's all done. Now open your browser and navigate to your http://localhost/MyZendProject/public/.
You can also download the Zend documentation from here

Please don't hesitate to comment if any problems occurs while performing these steps. Enjoy!!!.

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